The taxi routes displayed on this site were obtained from the Open Data Portal of the City of Cape Town. The following disclaimer applies to this data.
This site provides products or services using data that has been modified for use from its original source,, the official website of the City of Cape Town. The City of Cape Town makes no claims as to the content, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the data provided at this site. The data provided at this site is subject to change at any time. It is understood that the data provided at this site is being used at one's own risk.
I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the routes depicted on this map compared to the routes actually travelled by taxis in Cape Town. Use at your own risk.
The street map displayed on this site is from OpenStreetMap. OpenStreetMap® is open data, licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) by the OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF).